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211 健康餐盘完整攻略!科学吃饱养瘦饮食法!

你是否正在寻找快速减肥的方法?节食挨饿让你瘦得快是没有用的! 不复胖才是真的瘦!为达到瘦身的目标及维持健康,饮食扮演着重要角色。健康及均衡的饮食法才是瘦身的王道!认识 211餐盘减肥法,一起吃瘦不饿瘦吧!


211 饮食法 由哈佛公共卫生学院和医学院的专家所创建的。 改良于美国农业部和卫生与公众服务部开发的 MyPlate根据,依据最新的营养研究给予更全面及详细的饮食法 [1].

简单来说,211 饮食法是个非常易懂的指南,让你摄取到均衡的营养。具体来说,把餐盘分成四份—— 1份蛋白质占4分之1,1份碳水化合物占4分之1,而剩下的一半餐盘则是2份蔬菜。



蛋白质是组成人体所有细胞和组织的重要成分。人体的每一个组织,从指甲、皮肤、毛发、肌肉到骨骼都是由蛋白质构成的。蛋白质在体内发挥着许多关键作用,包括提供能量和支持身体组织的生长和发育。点击[这里] 阅读更多蛋白质的重要性。所以,每一个正餐都需要吃一份蛋白质食物,以确保补充每日需求。


  1. 优先选择优质蛋白质:鱼类、鸡胸肉、鸡蛋、豆类或坚果。

2. 适量摄取各种肉类,尽量保持饮食多样化。

3. 避免摄取加工肉,如:香肠、火腿、腊肉、肉干等。


碳水化合物是人体的主要能量来源之一,也经常被称为主食。每当摄入碳水食物,身体就会将其消化和转化为葡萄糖,为人体提供能量。当碳水供应不足的时候,身体就会进入肌饿模式,此时大脑就会去分解肌肉来取得所需的葡萄糖,这样就会导致基础代谢下降,进而影响瘦身效果。 因此, 每天摄入足够的碳水化合物是很重要的,切记以下两个原则,吃出好健康: 选择非精制碳水化合物:选择原型食物,全谷类如糙米、全麦面包和全麦面食。这些碳水化合物富含纤维和营养素,升糖指数低,可以提供饱腹感。 限制精制碳水化合物的摄取: 避免精致谷物,如白米饭和白面包及避免高度加工的碳水化物如甜点、含糖饮料和薯片。这些碳水化合物食物热量高,营养素和纤维含量低,而且升糖指数高,容易发胖。


蔬菜含有多种维生素、矿物质、植物营养素及膳食纤维。富含蔬菜及水果的饮食有助于降低血压,降低患心脏病和中风的风险,预防某种癌症,并降低患眼部和消化系统问题的风险 [2]。因此,多吃蔬菜是改善整体健康的最简单方法之一。 蔬菜不仅含有丰富的膳食纤维,有助于给予饱腹感,也能促进肠胃蠕动帮助排便顺畅,以及避免便秘问题。此外,蔬菜也含有丰富抗氧化,能改善身体免疫,降低体内炎症。 多吃非淀粉类蔬菜如绿叶蔬菜可以促进减肥[3]。例如:苋菜、菠菜、羽衣甘蓝、芹菜和西洋菜。 选择蔬菜类时可以尽量多样化及选择多种颜色。 切记:土豆在211健康餐盘中不属于蔬菜类哦, 因为它的升糖指数高, 会导致血糖飙升。


减肥的时候,正确的吃饭顺序,可以帮助你!正确的进食顺序可以帮助调节血糖,增加饱腹感,防止暴饮暴食,还有助于减肥! 理想的进食顺序: 先吃蔬菜 再吃蛋白质和脂肪 最后吃淀粉类与糖份。

先吃蔬菜和蛋白质,最后才吃碳水化合物相比相反次序来得更有饱足感。 这是因为蛋白质会减缓碳水化合物中的糖分进入血液的速度,从而防止饭后糖分激增 [4]。 此外,蔬菜富含纤维。 可溶性纤维会吸引肠道中的水分,形成凝胶,从而减缓消化。 这可能有助于防止进食后血糖飙升并增加饱腹感 [5]。


211饮食法是终身受用的饮食知识,适合每个人在每日每餐饮食中应用。 对于想要健康瘦下来的瘦迷们,211饮食法在食物分量、食物选择和食物进食顺序方面为你提供指导,帮助你减肥不复胖!切记 先吃蔬菜,其次是蛋白质和脂肪,最后是淀粉和糖类。 今天就开始使用 211饮食法作为你每一餐健康均衡饮食的指南吧!


  1. Harvard Health. (2017, June 5). Healthy Eating Plate. https://www.health.harvard.edu/staying-healthy/healthy-eating-plate Vegetables and Fruits. (2021, March 3).

2. The Nutrition Source. https://www.hsph.harvard.edu/nutritionsource/what-should-you-eat/vegetables-and-fruits/

3. Bertoia ML, Mukamal KJ, Cahill LE, Hou T, Ludwig DS, Mozaffarian D, Willett WC, Hu FB, Rimm EB. Changes in intake of fruits and vegetables and weight change in United States men and women followed for up to 24 years: analysis from three prospective cohort studies. PLoS medicine. 2015 Sep 22;12(9):e1001878.

4. Hodgekiss, A. (2015, June 26). Eating protein and veg BEFORE carbs makes you fuller for longer. Mail Online. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-3140313/How-order-eat-food-affects-health-Eating-protein-veg-carbs-makes-fuller-longer-help-diabetics-control-blood-sugar.html

5. Fiber. (2022, April 26). The Nutrition Source. https://www.hsph.harvard.edu/nutritionsource/carbohydrates/fiber/

6. https://27group.com.my/blogs/health/211-healthy-eating-plate-the-ultimate-guide-to-a-balanced-diet-for-a-healthy-weight


Looking for a way to lose weight fast? Go on extreme diet to lose weight? No, this is not the correct way to achieve a healthy weight! Indeed, both weight loss and overall health are affected by your eating patterns. However, weight loss should be done by adopting a healthy and balanced eating method! 211 Healthy Eating Plate is a healthy eating method that everyone could easily follow. It is not just for people who want to lose weight, but it could be for people who want to have a balanced and healthy diet. It is a visual guide that you could easily apply to your every meal whether you are preparing your own meal or dining out. For people who want to lose weight, you should follow 211 healthy eating methods and stop extreme dieting today! It helps you to lose weight healthily and reduces the possibility of weight loss rebound. So, let’s continue reading to check out the ultimate guide to 211 healthy eating methods! We will share with you the complete guide from the introduction of the healthy eating plate to the principle, so you could understand and master 211 healthy eating methods!

What is a 211 Healthy Eating Plate?

211 Healthy Eating Plate is created by experts at Harvard School of Public Health and Harvard Medical School. It is modified from MyPlate developed by the U.S. Department of Agriculture and the Department of Health and Human Service to more specific and detailed recommendations based on the most up-to-date nutrition research [1]. In general, it is an easy-to-understand guide that divides your plate into a 2:1:1 ratio, to help you adopt a healthy and balanced diet. Imagine a round dinner plate divided evenly into 4 portions. One-half of the plate is taken up by healthy protein, another one-half is carbohydrates and the remaining half of the plate should be filled with vegetables.

By using this visualized method, it is easier for everyone to follow a healthy eating method without the need to calculate calories! Adhering to this guideline helps you to optimize your overall health and maintain your desired body weight!


Protein is an essential nutrient for humans that provides amino acids, which are key building blocks of muscle and other tissues. Protein is found throughout the body including muscles, bone, skin, hair, and nails. Protein plays vital roles to support your daily life including providing energy and supporting the growth and development of body tissues. Read more about the importance of protein in the diet here. Therefore, eating a sufficient amount of protein every day is important. 

Follow 3 rules when you choose your protein food sources: 

  1. Choose a healthy protein: fish, poultry, eggs, beans, or nuts.
  2. Moderate balance meat intake. Maintain variety in food selection. 
  3. Avoid consumption of processed meats: sausage, ham, bacon, jerky and etc.


Carbohydrate is one of the macronutrients essential for the body and it provides the body with energy. The foods you eat are digested and broken down into glucose before entering the bloodstream. When the supply of carbohydrates is insufficient, the body will enter into starvation mode. Your brain will use muscle as a source of energy, which will lead to a decrease in basal metabolism and hence decreasing the effectiveness of weight loss. Therefore, it is important to consume sufficient carbohydrates every day, but it is recommended to choose good sources of carbohydrates: Choose non-refined carbohydrates: Eat real foods with a variety of whole grains such as brown rice, whole-wheat bread, and whole-grain pasta. These carbohydrates are high in fiber and nutrients, low in glycemic index, and could provide satiety. Limit refined carbohydrates: Limit refined grains such as white rice, and white bread and limit highly-processed carbohydrates e.g desserts, sugar-sweetened beverages, and potato chips. These carbohydrates are high in calories, low in nutrients and fiber, and it also high in glycemic index which promotes blood sugar spike up and weight gain


Vegetables contain healthful vitamins, minerals, phytonutrients and dietary fiber. Eating plenty of vegetables is one of the simplest ways to improve health and well-being. A diet rich in vegetables and fruits can help lower blood pressure, reduce the risk of heart disease and stroke, prevent some types of cancer, and lower the risk of eye and digestive problems [2]. Hence it is recommended to eat a variety of vegetables. Vegetables are rich in fiber which increases satiety, promotes bowel movements, and improves constipation problems. In addition, vegetables are also rich in antioxidants which help improve immunity and reduce inflammation in the body. Eating non-starchy vegetables such as green leafy vegetables may even promote weight loss [3]. Examples: spinach, kale, celery, and watercress. Aim for colour and variety when you choose vegetables. Note that potatoes not included as vegetables in the 211 Healthy Eating Plate because it is high in glycemic index which could cause a spike in blood sugar

What is the correct eating order? The eating order for every meal or meal sequencing is important. Following the correct eating order could aid in blood sugar regulation, increase satiety, prevent overeating and also help in weight loss! The ideal order is as follows:

1. Vegetable first
2. Protein and fats second
3. Starches and sugar last

Starting a meal by eating vegetables and protein, and the last with carbohydrates keeps us fuller compare to if we ate the same foods in the reverse order. This is because protein will slow down the release of sugar from carbohydrates into the bloodstream, which prevents a surges of sugar after a meal [4]. 

In addition, vegetables are rich in fiber. Soluble fiber will attracts water in the gut, forming a gel, which can slow digestion. This may help prevent blood glucose spikes after eating and increases satiety [5]


211 Healthy Eating Plate is a healthy and balanced eating method for everyone to apply in everyday meals. For people who wanted to lose weight healthily, 211 healthy eating plates guide you in the food portions, food selection, and also food sequencing, which aid in weight loss without weight rebound! Remember vegetables first, proteins & fats seconds, and finishes with starches and sugar. Start using 211 Healthy Eating Plate as a guide for creating or eating healthy and balanced meals today!


  1. Harvard Health. (2017, June 5). Healthy Eating Plate. https://www.health.harvard.edu/staying-healthy/healthy-eating-plate Vegetables and Fruits. (2021, March 3).

2. The Nutrition Source. https://www.hsph.harvard.edu/nutritionsource/what-should-you-eat/vegetables-and-fruits/

3. Bertoia ML, Mukamal KJ, Cahill LE, Hou T, Ludwig DS, Mozaffarian D, Willett WC, Hu FB, Rimm EB. Changes in intake of fruits and vegetables and weight change in United States men and women followed for up to 24 years: analysis from three prospective cohort studies. PLoS medicine. 2015 Sep 22;12(9):e1001878.

4. Hodgekiss, A. (2015, June 26). Eating protein and veg BEFORE carbs makes you fuller for longer. Mail Online. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-3140313/How-order-eat-food-affects-health-Eating-protein-veg-carbs-makes-fuller-longer-help-diabetics-control-blood-sugar.html

5. Fiber. (2022, April 26). The Nutrition Source. https://www.hsph.harvard.edu/nutritionsource/carbohydrates/fiber/

6. https://27group.com.my/blogs/health/211-healthy-eating-plate-the-ultimate-guide-to-a-balanced-diet-for-a-healthy-weight
